The most amazing Mommy 2 and 'Nanny Jenny '

Created by Natalie one month ago
How lucky was I to have had you in my life for over 20 years, everything a Mother should be. We may not have been related by blood but you called me daughter and I called you Mommy, that summed up our special relationship, and special it was-infact if you called me by my name I knew I was in trouble!
You went through every up and down life threw my way. You never judged me, always had my back and loved me with every inch of your being...unconditionally. Every inch of the rocky way you were there, for heart to hearts, wiping my tears literally,  holding my hand, giving me a 'kick up the bottom' as you'd call it. Life without you is not the same for me.
You lived and breathed my journey to become a mother myself, and when my tiny bundle arrived you were there week in, week out and developed such a special bond with my little girl, feeding her bottles, changing nappies,  reading stories, and her first bath, you were scared stiff but we managed it as a team....and not to forget the forever snuggles when you refused to lut her back in her crib as you needed to go home. "I don't do babies...but I do Lottie" was your mantra...and "Oh bless her, bless, bless her little cotton socks" followed by "Oh stop it Jennifer, stop saying bless" as you'd lightly slap yourself on the wrist. Nanny Jenny you were in every sense, a constant, and massive part of our lives.
I will always promise to keep your memory alive, for both me and Lottie. She will always know what an important special part of our lives you were. There were so many treasured moments remembered just me and you, at work, our Rainbow Palace takeaways, meals out, all my parties, nights in putting the world to rights with a cuppa...and then there were three of us with my little girl and more precious memories made. Too many memories to possibly write, but they are stored safely in my heart.
I do know that you're around us all the time, I can sense you,  and that's what you would have wanted, to let us know you're checking in, please keep coming it brings so much comfort. My heart has broken in two, I miss you so much and so does your Lottie.  Thankyou for everything Mommy, you are irreplaceable. 
Until we meet again 
'Daughter' Natalie and 'Granddaughter' Lottie 
Love Lots xxxxxx
